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Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Sounds different.... reborn has become a phenomenon with the media and advertising industry using it everywhere. Wear a shirt and you are reborn as..... (something like that). Anyway this post is nothing to do with it.
After about three and half months of "dormancy", what better day it could be than my birthday to start this blog again. I have to sustain the resolution that I had made at the beginning of this year.
Things have changed a lot after August 7 (My previous post). Chandrayaan has reached the moon, Obama is in White house, the world reeling in an economic crisis, the small plant near the tracks in Egmore station grewn a bit (more about this in my next post).
The only thing that has not grown is the posts in my blog. Its again a time for a change... time for a rebirth.
Harish is reborn with this post....


Radha said...

good to know that u r back to live the resolution made @the start of 2007. But what i dont see now is the freq... when would b ur next post!!!
But liked this post of yours..

Harish Krishnan said...

its 2008... :). Anyways it will be one a week as before.

Agasti Kale said...

Reading this post, I felt you have stolen my feelings and embedded in your words. Same feeling here and similar frequency too.. with more * for conditions apply ;)