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Thursday, April 09, 2009

My space..

The entire structure was crumbled. The majestic circular dome which rested on four strong pillars was lying on the sand. The broken pillars lay scattered around the dome. The dome tried its level best to stay majestic in spite of the salty sea water, trying to wash away the smooth and shining structure. Being near the sea in Tranquebar (or Taragambadi in Tamil), Tamilnadu, the entire structure seemed to be an old one built centuries ago and had seen many natural calamities. But 2004 was a different one. The sudden waves of tsunami bought the entire structure down in seconds.
Now it lay on the shore, washed by the sea daily. The pillar was not as smooth as the dome. Some supposed to be old form of Tamil was inscribed on it. It seemed to convey a message to the people, waiting to be discovered and protected. It was waiting to convey to the world, the life of the people who wrote on that pillar and those who built the magnificent structure.

Since the old times, many things have changed. The life and culture of people have changed a lot in both positive and negative way. Blogs are one of those pillars which reflects the life and times of “now”, with the advantage of being written by many people around the world. Just as the pillar rested on the sea shore, I sometimes wonder, where do these blogs sit? It should be spread across the world and some place which will redirect to it on request. What if one day another tsunami hits this place where the blog resides? Will things remain the same? How will people 200 hundred years later know about us and the life we lived?

Though the old inscriptions on the pillar and the new blogs both are written on sand (real sand and silicon), will the latter survive nature?


Radha said...

liked this much... didn anticipate u would finish it this way harry... :)

Harish Krishnan said...
